#ANDTHEEVIL      an original character by richard. cursed son. semi-selective, crafted for the DC verse but multiverse friendly.


  001.    18+, this account will tackle a lot of violent & mature themes that aren't suitable for minors. i will also probably not follow back IC minors, i will be very selective about that.an example of said themes are: graphic violence, drug & alcohol use, crude language (this is not a lewd account, amias just makes these jokes), past abuse and mentions of past self-harm (never descriptive).  002.    muse is in his early-twenties, he/they, bisexual. develops crushes very easily but rarely acts on them.  003.    while the capacity for darker themes is definitely there, i usually skew towards lighthearted interactions on the TL.  004.    no tolerance for any form of bigotry, i will remove you from my space immediately.  005.    feel free to DM me, tag me in posts, group chats, sporadically spring a plot on me-- i'm open to anything! i'm just new to the scene, so i don't exactly know how things go here. be so nice to me.  006.   i won't follow any primarily lewd accounts. i won't engage with accounts that label themselves as taboo.  007.   i don't know if i'm going for multiship or not, but regarding romantic advancements it's important that you talk to me about it because amias will have an adverse reaction to advances made on him, so i'd prefer to talk about it if your character tries to go beyond flirting with him.


Amias' story doesn't really change across verses, the only difference being that he wouldn't have ever been in Arkham, which means he might be like 5% less miserable.


  • idk ill fill this part out later

  • Aute doloremque consequat cupidatat suscipit laboris. Eius aliqua.

  • Vitae deserunt and adipisci cupidatat autem, and beatae but consectetur. Consequuntur.

  • Doloremque. Vel velitesse ratione or commodi and sit yet eius.

  • Tempora non, anim. Cillum iste aliquip illo so illum. Aute. Explicabo.

  • Consequuntur aliquam and mollit nisi veritatis culpa nisi. Ipsa nemo so duis. Minima ipsum and eum.

  • Excepteur veritatis tempor magni yet eiusmod or veniam reprehenderit.

  • Adipisicing consequatur yet dolorem for eu or quia doloremque quaerat. Ullam dicta commodi.


  • Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, enim. Cillum elit. Suscipit numquam consectetur or magnam so vitae.

  • Nihil aliqua but ut minima so iure exercitationem si. Laborum tempor.

  • Rem exercitation beatae. Veritatis ullam for reprehenderit but error. Sed consequuntur reprehenderit laborum dolor and consequatur or totam.

  • Aute doloremque consequat cupidatat suscipit laboris. Eius aliqua.

  • Vitae deserunt and adipisci cupidatat autem, and beatae but consectetur. Consequuntur.

  • Doloremque. Vel velitesse ratione or commodi and sit yet eius.

  • Tempora non, anim. Cillum iste aliquip illo so illum. Aute. Explicabo.

  • Consequuntur aliquam and mollit nisi veritatis culpa nisi. Ipsa nemo so duis. Minima ipsum and eum.

  • Excepteur veritatis tempor magni yet eiusmod or veniam reprehenderit.

  • Adipisicing consequatur yet dolorem for eu or quia doloremque quaerat. Ullam dicta commodi.


  TIM DRAKE     @abatshadow
Main , roommate, obsessed with his secret identity.
  CUACUAS      @campoxoa
Main , roommate, rival, nemesis, best friend, psychosexual obsession
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship

  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship

  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship

  NAME    Amias Ilyanov Zheng  NICKNAME/ALIAS    Amy  AGE    21  DATE OF BIRTH    December 10th  GENDER & PRONOUNS    Nonbinary male, he/they  ORIENTATION    Bisexual  SPECIES    Human-ish. Obligate vampire by demonic influence.  POSITIVE TRAITS   
very mercurial
- childhood onset schizophrena -> paranoid schizophrenia
- oppositional defiance disorder (doesn't actually have this, it's just stuck on his file because of juvie)
  HEIGHT    6’00”  HAIR    Straight, dark brown hair that reaches past his shoulders. Usually has it in a ponytail if it's any longer. PROMINENT MARKS & SCARS   Dusty rose colored eyes, brown hair that reaches his upper back, nose piercing, two beauty marks on the right side of his face, light freckles, self-inflicted scars on his upper arms (usually hidden).  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION   Amias is a handsome young man who is almost always dressed like he's cosplaying Blade. He prefers leather trench coats and doesn't like showing off most of his body, but usually dresses in some form of alternative fashion. His baggy clothes usually hides that he's fairly fit.  FACE CLAIM    Sebastian Amoruso  PARENTS   
- Natalie Ilyanov Ellwood
- Eugene Zheng
  SIGNIFICANT OTHER   in his dreams  PETS    one dog  OCCUPATION    student  LANGUAGES    Native English & Russian, fluent in Mandarin  ITEMS   
One fire axe, one hunting rifle that Maksim is trapped inside, a lot of dreams.


  Generations before Amias was born,   his ancestor made a deal with a demon to save his daughter from certain death. While the demon upheld its part of the deal, it favored Maksim, and took it upon itself to grant his family an additional "boon" which presented itself as a curse. This "boon" would ensure that his descendants could become ascend humanity IF they embrace murder as their goal. If they do, they can become a demonic aspect of violence, one who only lives to kill.Of course, Maksim did not want this, he just wanted to save his daughter.Not wanting to watch his child fall to these urges, he pleads for the demon to afflict him with it instead, hoping to save her and the rest of his descendants from the burden. The demon obliges, but instead makes it so that eligibility for ascension in his family was completely random after his daughter. Starting with Maksim, the boon would only be inflicted on those in the family that seemed vulnerable enough to murder.This leads to Amias' mother, attempting to strangle her husband while her child slept soundly. Guilt overcomes her and she stops before the deed is done, takes Amias and flees New Jersey. She returns to her childhood home in Khabarovsk, where her family had all but shunned her for her cruelty... however, the fact that she had a child concerned them. They would tolerate her just to ensure that her child was properly taken care of.His childhood was happy despite his early onset of psychosis. He was well taken care of, regularly saw a psychologist, was taught to read and write by his grandmother, and he learned how to ride reindeer. He didn't even know that his mother was a serial murderer, just that she was a little mean-- but she meant well, she wants him to be tough.Life is lovely for young Amias until Natalie starts slipping up, which pushes her into dating a corrupt officer to try and help cover up her mistakes. That was the first time that he ever felt the family's boon tug at him, like it was testing him. He did ask for help from Natalie, but she was so strung out that she dismissed him; he can't cry when bad things happen, he needs to actually do something about it. She tells him that if there's an injustice then he needs to act, not wait for other people to.So he does; he kills his step father with a hatchet. She was impressed by this, but worried about his increasing guilt over it. His guilt leads to him doing a poor job at following directions, which leads to more attention on them, which leads to them needing to leave Russia.They don't make it very far, getting caught in Alaska. That time period is a blur for Amias; he remembers the sound of police cruisers, a lot of investigations, his mother telling him what he should say, how he felt too guilty and admitted to it, how much the other officers hated him for what he did. He still didn't know his mother was a murderer, just that she was very calm about what he'd done.Amias is only briefly in Arkham before they transfer him to a more appropriate adolescent psychiatric ward. The stress quickly pushes him into a violent reaction, which is all of the fuel they needed to keep him in juvenile detention. The media was eager to paint him as the next Ellwood killer, but other members of his family quickly stepped in to save him from unfair legal treatment. He was transferred to his uncle's care in Alaska, where he could recover from everything that'd happened in the past month.Eventually he begins to live with his father again. At first, his teenage years were very fragile & volatile, but the consistent support of his family helped him stay tethered. The only reason he wasn't stuck in juvenile detention was because his family & strangers cared enough about his case to fight for him, and that act of kindness would define his actions for the rest of his life. He wanted to help others like how they helped him.Amias willingly chose to go to a public high school, even if he was frequently absent and could hardly handle it. He wanted to at least try. He barely graduates, but barely is better than not at all. There were absolutely no expectations of him to go to college, so no one minds the gap years that he takes afterwards.There was something about this world that only he could feel, and he had no idea why. It burned in his blood. It wanted him to see, to learn something, but he couldn’t understand what.Looking for work while in college that lined up with his personal interests, he finds an AD looking for a cameraman for a YouTube channel that focuses on exploring the apparently abandoned places that are rumored to be haunted. Easy enough, and Amias had always been a horror buff… But the group didn't realize what they were getting into.Their first location was the last. One by one, the group was picked off by monsters that nobody could see... Nobody but Amias. But nobody believed him, either. It's thanks to his curse that he's able to survive. In the end, he is the only one left alive out of the group and the monsters.From that point on, Amias made it his mission to learn more about what happened that night. He finds out that they share the world with evils that can't be seen with the naked eye, and that the only reason he could see them was because one of his forebears had suffered a curse. This is why so many in his family were known to fall into violent acts; they were being compelled to.He takes no pride in hurting others, and the thought of it both scares and excites him. He has to break this curse, but he also has to make some use of it. There's evil in this world, and he has the power to take it on; Even if he has to do it alone, it's worth it. He has to try.


Amias' curse exists as a metaphysical parasite, a familial curse that aims to turn each bearer into a killing machine. The curse lowers impulse control and inflicts a near insatiable urge to inflict harm on others for the sake of superiority. He is generally in control, but is prone to outbursts under stress. Despite his curse, he tries to appear as a lighthearted person, pushing his personality to the farthest opposite he could possibly be from it.The curse thrives on violence. The more he kills, the less human he becomes, granting him specific benefits but eating parts of his personality. If it succeeds, Amias will become more of an aspect of violence than a person. He is not very far in this because he has a strong will.Right now, this just grants him enhanced senses & enhanced strength/stamina/durability. He can purposely increase his strength if he taps into the curse's reserves, turning the affected limbs black for the duration. And very sharp teeth, you know, because it wants him to eat people.Mechanically, it plays out similarly if not exactly like the Dark Urge in BG3 or Terrifying Presence in F:NV. Hurting others makes him physically stronger but makes his mind weak. When this is in control, he is haughty and cruel. It occasionally results in random outbursts where he will say something really weird and have to pretend he didn't say it.He has a very malleable "no-kill" rule out of devotion to the vigilantes that he admires. He will try his best, but things happen. This is why he tends to stick towards matters of monsters and not people.